Saturday, February 23, 2019

Mother Heal Varicose Veins With This Simple Recipe From Old Granny

Family history is definitely one of the biggest factors for varicose veins, but this doesn’t apply in all cases. Whatever the reason for your varicose veins is, you should know that there are natural remedies which can treat them.

Varicose veins usually occur in women in their late 20’s, although men are not excluded. They are caused by numerous factors such as genetics, lack of exercise, hormonal changes, circulatory problems or the aging process. The good news is that the condition is treatable with a simple mixture of 3 ingredients – apple cider vinegar, Aloe Vera pulp and carrots. Here’s how to prepare the remedy:

Half a cup of chopped carrots
Half a cup of Aloe Vera pulp
Half a cup of apple cider vinegar

Put all 3 ingredients in a blender and mix until achieve creamy consistency.

Apply the mixture on your varicose veins and put your feet up for half an hour. Rinse with cold water in the end, and remember to apply the remedy every day. The key to natural remedies’ efficiency lies in consistency and patience, so don’t worry if some time passes until you notice the first results.

You can also get rid of varicose veins with a light massage. The pressure should be applied to the surrounding area, but never directly on the veins. Start massaging your feet lightly with your palms, then proceed slowly to the hips. This will stimulate your tissues and repair congested blood flow into the heart, effectively reducing varicose veins as well.

For best results, use cypress or juniper essential oils for the massage as they can improve your circulation and act as local stimulants.

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