Sunday, February 17, 2019

Appetite Suppressant Foods That Help You Lose Weight Naturally

If you want to lose weight, you may be looking into appetite suppressant foods to help you eat less and feel fuller for longer. But finding the right ones for you isn’t as easy as you might think.

It can be difficult to find the right appetite suppressant foods, especially since there are so many products making claims that they’re the best.

In the end, it’s best to stick with natural appetite suppressants that will work with your body rather than against it.

These food will help you: 
  • Drop 5-8 pounds in the next week
  • Feel SO much more energized
  • Kick those cravings for sweets to the curb
  • Get rid of the BLOAT
  • Put that healthy glow back into your beautiful skin
  • Jump start your path to a healthy, more confident you!

The Best Appetite Suppressant Foods

A few of the appetite suppressant foods and drinks that you’ve probably never heard of are listed below to help you find the best option.

1. Wheatgrass

Drinking wheatgrass beverages, will help to reduce your appetite while giving your body a boost of vital nutrients, energy, antioxidants, protein, and fiber.

By consuming wheatgrass regularly, you can effectively prevent food cravings, reduce portion sizes, and lose weight naturally.

 2. Almonds

Think of almonds as an all natural weight loss pill. A study that was performed on overweight adults discovered that by consuming a quarter cup up almonds helped them loss weight faster consuming another snack.

If you have been struggling to lose weight, switching to nuts is a great way to ditch unhealthy snacks. But because almonds will also increase your feeling of fullness, they will even help you eat less overall.

3. Green Tea

Drink green tea if you’re working out. A study discovered that people who were exercising and drinking 4 to 5 cups of green tea logged 25 minutes at the gym and also lost more stomach fat than the people who weren’t drinking green tea.

And on top of all of that, this tea also contains catechins that block blood sugar from moving into your cells, so you can prevent spikes and crashes in blood sugar that would lead to increased appetite.

4. Avocado Oil

Would you consuming this oil if you knew you could reduce 20 percent of your stomach fat? A study did a comparison with a group who consumed avocado oil and the other consumed flax safflower oil. The group who consumed three tablespoon of avocado oil three times a day lost 2 percent of their stomach ft in one month.

5. Coffee

Drinking caffeinated coffee can also help you reduce your appetite so that you’ll eat less. In addition to caffeine, coffee also contains a good amount of antioxidants that will benefit your health.

As long as you don’t overdo it, coffee is one of the best appetite suppressant foods and increases your metabolism for faster weight loss results.

6. Legumes

Pay attention to your lentil health. In a four week study researchers discovered that consuming a calorie restricted diet with four servings of legumes supports weight loss more effectively than a diet that didn’t include beans.

These are just a few of the natural appetite suppressant foods that you can find in your own kitchen. Consume these delicious and nutritious foods and drinks so that you can shed those extra pounds with greater ease.

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