Wednesday, February 13, 2019

4 Quick And Easy Yoga Poses For Lower Back Pain Relief

The sedentary lifestyle and prolonged hours of sitting have become a norm in the contemporary world. Also, the stressful commute to workplaces and the bad postures which come with it have complemented the issues of back pains and spasms.

As a result, neurologists, spine specialists, and physiotherapists are today thronged with lots of patients suffering from severe back and spine problems.

Medicine and curative measures are surely not the most viable means to treat such conditions. Hence we need to look for some preventive ways to treat these.

The Indian practice of Yoga has been rediscovered recently and has been found to have the answer to the riddle.

The yogi way of living considers the human spine as the center of the body and, at the same time, the center of the universe. That’s why yoga practitioners pay due attention to spine’s well-being.

Over the years of it being practiced and mastered by Yogis in the country, has given it a diverse set of postures or asana. These yoga postures bring curative relief as well as a preventive form to the spine and back.

Yoga Poses For Lower Back Pain Relief

These 4 yoga poses for lower back pain relief take you through this old practice of yoga that helps you maintain a healthy and supple spine.

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

In the first yoga pose you need to imitate the posture of a tree with your body:

This is a standing position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand tall. You are going to feel attuned with your body and also feel grounded. While you are standing, set new goals for your life and your body.

The inhalation is extremely crucial for this pose, as the blocked air helps put pressure on the muscles supporting the lower vertebrates of your spine, and in turn, makes them stronger.

These muscles play an important role in making sure your spine stays erect and negotiates the jerks in postures it faces during the day to day activities.

2. Shoulder Pose (Kandharasana)

The Shoulder Pose is achieved by lying down flat on the floor, or on a yoga mat.

This pose has a number of benefits including relief for stiff muscles, strengthening the hips and spine while also stretching the abdominal muscles to promote useful exercise. It has even been proven to help with high blood pressure, improve digestion and curb symptoms of menopause.

Start by lying on your back. Exhale as you push off the floor with your feet.
Raise your body so that your buttocks and back are off the floor, but your neck remains down Push your hands down on the ground for additional support. Hold the position for as long as you can.

The correct posture for this asana can be achieved by striving to touch your chest to your chin, all while holding the breath. Also, you need to push your belly and the chest upwards in the air. This brings a healthy pressure to your lower back.

3. Gas Release Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

The third asana also begins with lying flat on your back in a resting position.

Bring your joined feet and knees towards your upper body and touching your thighs to your chest. Do this with a big inhalation and hold your breath there. Gently move your neck towards your feet and try to touch your forehead with your knees. This posture can be held for as long as comfortable, before you gently come back down to the resting position. Bring your neck and head first, followed by your strengthened legs.

4. Hare Pose (Shashankasana)

The final move begins in vajrasan, wherein you should sit with your hips on your legs in an equilibrium of balance.

With a massive inhalation, bring both your hands up in a swan dive up and bend forward to have the forearms on the ground. Try to maintain the sitting posture as it is throughout this endeavor. The head and forehead should stay next to your knees as you hold the position for a few seconds.

These yoga poses for lower back pain relief are really simple and don’t involve a high degree of flexibility. Everyone can perform these moves in the comfort of their own home. Simple, easy and efficient – that’s yoga.

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