Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Make Receding Gums Grow Again And Fast With These Natural Methods

When the ends or margins of the gums recede and make the teeth more visible and ‘naked’, it is called gums recession. So, the tooth is more exposed, vulnerable and visible. Due to this issue, gaps or ‘pockets’ form around the gums and teeth in between and here bacteria thrives all the time. Since the tooth is exposed, it is more sensitive and more pain is felt. Also, the bone tissues can be easily damaged and this will even lead to losing teeth.

This problem is really common and people do not understand fully how serious it is. This is because the problem appears and develops slow, really slow. See your gums with a mirror and you will notice if there Is any change. Sensitivity is first noticed; then another thing is size of the tooth. If the tooth looks bigger than before, the gums are receded. You must take some steps to resolve this. Other signs are:

-Tooth ache
-Large tooth look

What makes gums recede?

This is due to a disease of the gums, but also other reasons like:

-Periodontal issues
-Bad hygiene
-Aggressive hygiene
-Hormone issues
-Grinding/clenching teeth

Tongue or lip piercings hit against the teeth and further cause oral problems.

Treating the receded gums

If you see this early, the dentist can do his work in no time and with no complications like with root panning and teeth scaling too. He will remove the plaque off the teeth and clean well the gum edges. If you wait for this problem to develop more you might even need a surgery like: lost tissue regeneration, tooth bone regeneration, graft of the soft tissue, reduction in depth and more. To avoid surgery, try natural and home cures we have for you below. Still, talk to the dentist prior using any of them in case your gum problem is really serious.

If the problem is mild, try them right away and the gums will be back to normal in no time.

How do gums grow back again?

The gum is a soft tissue that keeps roots of teeth covered and shielded and keeps every tooth in place. To remove this problem, have good oral hygiene and try even oil pulling.

DIY home methods for receded gums to grow back

Below are natural methods with spices and herbs that help in this problem.

-Green tea
-Aloe Vera
-Oil pulling
-Other oil pulling ways
-Clove oil

More tips on prevention from gum receding

The best option is to prevent rather than cure when it is too late. Many oral diseases can be prevented in time. Read more below to see some good tips on good oral hygiene.

Keep in mind:

  • Aggressive brushing is causing damage
  • Brush along the gum edges and do not push them
  • Gentle motions and strokes
  • Use small head brush and the bristles must be soft
  • Floss is a must!
  • To have healthy teeth, brush and floss every time after each meal. And , use mouthwash too.

Mouthwash for healthy and clean mouth

Bacteria and germs will no longer be inside the mouth if you use mouthwash. Make it even in your own home if you do not want the store bought. Just get some essential oils and get started.

Make a mix of 1-2 drops essential oil and use sage, peppermint or clove, even tea tree oil. Then add ¼ or ½ cup water. Use this daily.

Another option is hydrogen peroxide for fighting infections. If this is strong for you, add some water.

To use mouthwash is crucial at the end of brushing and cleaning. Also, wash the mouth 2 times per day, in the morning and evening too.

Lots of water!

We know that lots of water is crucial for the health and it is crucial for oral health too.

Every toxin is removed with drinking water. Bacteria and germs are removed too and the mouth is left clean. If you can’t brush teeth after every eating, use water to gargle or push stuck food between teeth, swish and gargle and spit it. Or swallow, any way it is fine.

Healthy diet

Good nutritious food is vital for general health. Also, immunity gets stronger with such food. Then again, unhealthy food makes bacteria grow more in the mouth and cause infections.

Eat lots of veggies and fruits mostly with loads of vitamin C since it keeps gums healthy.  Eat more oranges, broccoli, pineapples, asparagus and strawberries.

Avoid sugars and carb drinks. They make more bacteria.

Also reduce and avoid alcohol, processed food, caffeine and white flour.

Talk with a doctor for any needed supplements.

If you have lack of healthy foods, expect oral problems. For prevention, always consult doctors and see if you need more vitamins and nutrients. The supplements below are the best for healthy gums:

  • Calcium for healthy bones
  • Coenzyme Q10 for rejuvenating cells and growing back of gums
  • Ginko biloba for better blood flow
  • Vitamin C for great immunity and fighting inflammation
  • Zinc for immunity and fighting bacteria

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