Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 3 Eggs For A Week!

It seems that every modern man and woman include eggs in their diet. However, when we take a close look at the nutritional value of eggs, we must say that they should definitely be used more. It turns out that eggs are an incredible food that provides a myriad of health benefits. In case you increase egg intake and eat them on a regular basis, you will definitely witness improvement.

The egg’s yolk is where we can find about 90% of the iron and calcium in eggs and the white is 50% pure protein. In this article, we will share some intriguing facts related to eggs that will definitely make you eat more eggs.

Facts That Will Make You Eat 3 Eggs For A Week

1. Protein with Superior Quality
Protein is one of the crucial elements of a proper, healthy diet because our body needs protein to repair, regenerate and rebuild old tissues. So, eggs bring the protein with highest quality to our body. Amino acids are crucial for the creation of protein and some of them are produced in our body naturally.

However, 9 of these amino acids can’t be synthesized in the body and each of these amino acids can be found in eggs. Proteins found in eggs, milk and meat (both poultry and fish) are so-called complete proteins which mean that they have sufficient amounts of essential amino acids.

In addition, eggs deliver protein with the highest quality (100 on a scale of 1-100). Milk has a rating of 93 and beef and fish about 75. According to scientific studies, one egg comes with an amount of protein found in 30 grams of cooked meat.

2. Packed with Iron
Those who are dealing with mild iron deficiency usually experience irritation, fatigue and deal with frequent headaches. Iron is a mineral that transports oxygen to the blood and it is crucial for the proper functioning of many bodily systems like the immunity and energy metabolism.

The egg’s yolk comes with heme iron, a type of iron that is easy to absorb and use. In other words, you will get much better effects by eating the same amount of iron through eggs compared with supplements.

3. Eggs Don’t Increase Blood Cholesterol Levels
The egg yolk contains about 210 milligrams of cholesterol which is why in the 1990s, many nutritionists believed that they are bad. In addition, scientific studies have shown that cholesterol contributes to development of coronary heart disease.

But, we must point out that foods packed with fat, especially trans fatty acid and saturated fat are much more dangerous for the health of our hearts compared to cholesterol. So, eggs are inexpensive, easy to digest and they are an excellent source of protein.

4. Nutrient-Rich Food
Eggs are packed with a high number of nutrients, so they can be used by people who want to follow a healthy, natural diet. According to a scientific study conducted not while ago, regular consumption of eggs lowers the chances of experiencing vitamin B12, A and E deficiency.

The study involved two groups of people, one that didn’t consume eggs at all and another that had eggs regularly. The group that consumed eggs had about 20% higher level of vitamin B12, E and A and about 15% more folate in their system. Eggs are nutrient-rich food.

5. Boost Brain Health and Cognitive Functions
Eggs are rich in choline. This nutrient is known for its ability to support the proper development of the brain in fetuses and newborn children and the memory function too. Eating one egg on a daily basis will provide about 30% of the daily requirement of choline in the period of pregnancy.

Choline is also very important during both lactation and pregnancy. In adults, choline contributes to development and maintenance of good memory function. A research confirmed that the memory capacity in adult rats was affected by the food that their mother has taken to some extent.

6. Healthy Bones
It is good to know that eggs are a great source of vitamin D too and this vitamin can be found naturally in only a small number of foods. As we all know, vitamin D is very important for our bones. It supports proper calcium absorption and ultimately leads to better bone health.

Eggs can soothe the symptoms of osteoporosis and prevent this disease especially if they are combined with dairy products like yogurt and milk.

7. They Boost Performance
This food makes us feel sated for a long time because eggs come with a very high satiety index. One relatively big egg delivers 6 grams of protein with superior quality and a huge number of essential nutrients.

The only nutrient that they lack is vitamin C. So, in case you make a combination of eggs and fresh fruits or lemon/orange juice and whole wheat bread you will enjoy the most nutritious breakfast ever.

8. Maintain Eye Health and Protect us From Cataracts
Eggs are loaded with zeaxanthin and lutein, tow very important antioxidants for the vision. Scientists have proven that these two antioxidants can keep us safe from dangerous, energy-packed wavelengths of light found in the eyes and they must be present in our system all the time.

On the other hand, people can protect themselves from cataracts or at least lower the chances of developing them in case they eat eggs, spinach and broccoli. In addition, they will prevent retinal and lens degeneration caused by the aging process and this ultimately means that they can avoid blindness.

9. Promote Hair and Nail Health
Various biochemical disruptions in our body my result in health issues related to nails and hair. The good news is that eggs can support your efforts to make them healthier because they are packed with amino acids that contain sulfur and other important essential minerals and vitamins.

There are many people who believe that consumption of eggs on a regular basis made their hair grow much faster. This was especially true for those who never consumed foods packed with vitamin B12 and A or sulfur and zinc.

10. They Support Weight Loss
As we already said, eggs come with a very high satiety index which makes them an ideal breakfast that will stop food cravings throughout the day and ultimately help you lose weight.

A scientific study included two groups of individuals. The first group had bagels, yogurt and cream cheese for breakfast. The second group has toast, jam and two eggs for breakfast. Both breakfasts were the same in terms of calories, but people who consumed eggs felt sated for a much longer period of time and eventually managed to reduce calorie intake for about 30%.

One big egg comes with 315 kilo-joules (75 calories) which means that if you make a combination with veggies or fruits and whole grains for breakfast, you will get an inexpensive, simple, yet complete meal that will support your weight loss efforts in the long run.

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