Wednesday, November 1, 2017

5 Factors that Influence Body Weight and Determine the Success of Weight Loss

What’s that you say? Trying to lose weight? Doesn’t seem to work? That just means one thing; you’re not doing something right. But no worries, here are five of the major metabolic factors which will help you conquer that fat tissue before you know it.

We all know the cliché pieces of advice which convince you to exercise more, take supplements to boost your metabolism, eat fewer calories…and so on, and so forth.

But here’s the thing: You need to think of your body as a temple (yes, this is also a cliché sentence), and start at the very foundations. If you don’t take care of those first, all your other efforts will be worthless, and your ‘temple’ will crumble. Translation – you will gain even more weight, through the incorrect methods you might be using.

These five factors will teach you how to get to know your foundation and build up from it, hence, lose those pounds. Read on to see just what those factors are…

The Five Building Blocks of Your Metabolism

Let’s do a little drum roll and introduce them one by one:

1. The Thyroid – The main metabolism gland which controls your metabolism functions, body temperature, and fat-burning ability.

2. The Liver – The main organ for detoxification. It is also responsible for three-fourths of one’s thyroid production of hormones.

3. The Muscle – The body’s solitary metabolically vigorous tissue which regulates blood glucose, aids you in your fat-burning mission, as well as supports your metabolic functions.

4. The Adrenals – The stress glands. These regulate stress hormones (hence the name), steroid hormones, and also aid in balancing the metabolism.

5. The Body – It is the product of the four previously-mentioned factors. It can either be in a state of disease or function as it should.

Let’s Start With The Liver, Shall we?

Would you believe this organ is responsible for as many as 600 functions? All connected in some way or another with the metabolism. That’s why it’s so important to keep a healthy liver.

The poor thing goes into survival mode when it is loaded with medicines, sugar, processed foods, alcohol, stress hormones and other toxins.

Everyone wants their liver working in optimal condition. That way it will have no trouble assimilating minerals, nutrients, filtering excessive stress hormones and toxins from the environment.

Additionally, it helps process your micronutrients. Those include carbs, fats, and proteins. It further proves its usefulness by assisting in digestion and even blood control.

Speaking of control, same goes for 70% of your thyroid, which in turn keeps your temperature in check, and, you guessed it, your metabolism too.

But, when it’s in the opposite state, bad things start occurring, like:

  • Skin issues
  • Low energy
  • Bloating in the abdominal area
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression
  • Unstable sugar levels
  • A hard time maintaining your weight, or losing some
  • Fat storage in your hips and thighs
  • Mood swings

So, to help your liver stay in top shape, it is wise to steer clear of some things like processed and inflammatory foods, certain stimulants, etc. Once you do, there is no limit to how much quality you can bring in your life.

Moving On To The Adrenal Glands

Because of the hormones they secrete, they help you regulate and balance your hormones. In other words, they play a pretty important role in maintaining your metabolism.

However, depending on your choices, they can have quite the opposite effect on your body. And it’s all up to you. Your habits with nutrition, exercise and simply the way you choose to live your life can have their effect on these glands.

Cortisol regulates glucose. It also regulates proteins and fats, and shows its practicality by keeping an eye on your metabolism. But that’s not all. Cortisol helps you control inflammation, and regulates your blood pressure too!

Adrenaline, which is a catecholamine, can, as you may have heard, cause the ‘fight or flight’ reaction. So, it is only logical that it can assist in mobilizing the sources of energy necessary for the stressful situation in which you might find yourself.

The bad news is that there are so many issues, all related to stress in one way or another, which can cause a dysfunction in your adrenal glands.

So, if you fear about the wellbeing of these crucial glands, facing the source of stress head on would be the right thing to do.

You might have to address an infection, remove any sensitivities related to food, resolve any existing emotional or mental stress or whatever else might be causing your adrenal glands problems.

We Believe It Is The Thyroid’s Turn In The Spotlight

Maybe some of you will recollect from their school days, that a person’s thyroid is the main gland when it comes to metabolism. Rightly so, since the hormones, T3 and T4 have a huge impact on your cells, and hence, your metabolism. A lack of them would result in your metabolism becoming impaired and slowing down.

Since the thyroid controls the metabolic activity, any thyroid disease results in weight gain. People who have hypothyroidism gain weight more easily – the reason being the over-accumulation of salt and water. And oppositely, people with hyperthyroidism are more prone to losing weight.

But let’s not rush and think that thyroid hormones are the answer to all our weight-loss prayers. They may also be the reason for muscle protein loss, and that‘s never good news for your body’s health.

Here Are Ways To Help With A Low Thyroid

  • Minimize Stress – to minimize adrenal exhaustion
  • Take Care of the Underlying Causes – other than stress, there are plenty of other hidden reasons for a low thyroid, including gluten, nutritional deficiency, food allergies, heavy metals…
  • Exercise — Do some exercise which stimulates the thyroid – thus naturally boosting its function
  • Optimize Your Nutrition — eat more nutritious food. Mainly, food which contains omega-3 fats, saturated fat, selenium, zinc, iodine,
If you do these, your thyroid will become a powerful metabolism booster.

The Connection Between Muscles and Metabolism

Muscles have a great impact on your metabolic rate, and they look fantastic too!

Combining forces with the thyroid, lean muscle also regulates your metabolic rate. In fact, when it comes to burning body fat, muscle tissue is the way to go! So, the more muscle mass you have, the fewer calories you need to maintain it and the more calories you burn!

Additionally, the less muscle your body has the more insulin resistant your risk of becoming. The reason is that our insulin receptors are located in our muscles.

You DO NOT want to become insulin resistant while still having a sweet tooth. But in the case that you are, here are three scenarios to what happens:

  • Scenario #1: The glucose in your body helps you boost your metabolism and build lean muscle. In this case, you burn calories and, as a pleasant consequence, fat.
  • Scenario #2: This scenario isn’t too bad either, as your liver stores the glucose (as glycogen) to use it as an energy source when needed during your day.
  • Scenario #3: But here’s the bad ‘what-if’. Let’s say your glycogen stores are full, your muscle mass is inefficient, your daily diet is imbalanced, or you simply consume too many carbohydrates.
  • In this particular case, the glucose has nowhere to go and it floats aimlessly in your blood in the form of fat. That just means your liver has to work overtime creating more insulin, which just leaves that stubborn abdominal fat right where it is.

The Two Types of Bodies

Since we’re on the subject of metabolic rate and weight-loss, there are two body types: a fat-burning one and a fat-storing one. This sounds like an oversimplified view, but the truth is, once you consider your metabolism and the way it connects to fat loss, it’s what you get.

So the question is, are you leading a life that contributes to a fat-storing or a fat-burning body?

Here Are Seven Differences Between the Two to Make it Clearer

  • Good posture – Bad posture
  • Increased thyroid function – Decreased thyroid function
  • Healthy digestive system – Inflamed digestive system
  • Clean liver – Toxic liver
  • Rested adrenal glands – Stressed adrenal glands
  • Lean metabolic muscle visceral – Subcutaneous fat

It is crucial to note that these seven differences are connected to the five factors we discussed previously. You are in charge of your metabolism, and choosing which kind to have affects your body type.

But what about the factors which cause metabolic stress? Well…

  • Not enough carbs, fat or protein in your daily diet
  • Too many processed foods during lunchtime, which inhibit your thyroid and stress out your liver
  • Shorter periods of metabolic workouts rather than long cardio exercises
  • Relying too much on energy drinks and caffeine which can easily tire out your adrenal glands and cause cortisol, a stress hormone

If you are truly set on rooting out your bad habits that are lowering your metabolism, this is just the first step in the right direction.

As a Bonus: How to Successfully Speed Up Your Metabolism

As with most health-related things, it all starts with a nice detox.  A professionally-created 14-28 day program is exactly for that purpose.

In particular, there are Affect Health’s programs which fit the criteria. They are a mixture of medicinal herbs and loose tea leaves, which are laxative-free and 100% organic.

1. The Daytime Blend

It is ideal for your metabolism, detoxification, and boosting energy, using:

Yerba Mate and Matcha make you feel energized and fully focused all day long.

Powdered Milk Thistle Seed and Dandelion Root also help the detoxification process and are considered your liver’s best friend.

2. The Nighttime Blend

It helps you feel replenished and rejuvenated for the day to come:

Passion Flower and Valerian Root are excellent at soothing any anxiety and assuring you have a good night’s sleep. Milk thistle also provides support for your liver, assuring it stays healthy.

We wish you luck with your detoxification and weight-loss goals!

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